Thursday, April 14, 2005

Somewhat Sick

I couldn't sleep much last night, had the chills, I'm never cold, and last night I couldn't get warm enough. Then today, I've just felt miserable. Not throwing up, but just kinda in a daze. I suppose that it's better to feel like crap now then in a couple of weeks when all of my papers are due. Though, I'm working on a paper that is due this Friday, but it's a draft, so it doesn't have to be good. In my paper I am contrasting/comparing three different views of semantic content. Semantic modesty, semantic skepticism, and one other that hasn't been named yet, and I'm not sure why...

Anyway, I think that I am going to defend a position that is labeled, semantic minimalism and speech-act pluralism. But the great thing about philosophy papers, especially philosophy of language, is that I can write the paper, then come up with my thesis and conclusion after the paper is written. That way I can give a coherent argument.

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