Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Alright, I'm extremely stoked today. I received an 'A' in my religious epistemology class. This is a big deal to me because: (1) at SWBTS they never graded difficult, they just gave grades, (2) my professor is the president of the Society of Christian Philosophers, and (3) I doubt myself more than anyone else. This is awesome for me, and I'm really, really, really, excited.

Thanks to everyone for all the interesting discussion so far. One of the things that I've been kicking around in my head (if you can actually kick things around in your head) is if I ever get a job at a seminary (which is very possible) that I need to write a book on the philosophical theology of the mind/body problem. This would cover some of the things that have been discussed about the soul. I still appreciate any and all questions.

On a sad note, I did not make it to St. Anselm's church on Sunday, at the last minute I kinda got sick. It's still my goal to attend an orthodox church every Sunday, preferably a conservative orthodox church. So, I will email the two episcopal churches in the area to find out more about their doctrine. Why am I interested in Episcopal churches? They have Sunday afternoon services. My doctrine is still early church/baptist. The biggest problem I have with baptist churches is that they don't preach what they believe. It's kinda like Christians who claim that they believe in Christ, but don't live like it. Baptist churches always claim that they preach the Bible, and are biblically focused when in reality they are growth driven. I was a Southern Baptist youth minister for 3 years so I've seen how it works... sorry to be cynical.

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