Monday, July 18, 2005

This is why our country is in trouble

The seriousness of traditional churches scared many parishioners away, Osteen said, but the warm hug delivered by megachurches like his is bringing them back.

One time I was praying at this big event here in town and there were several other ministers there with me and the man that went right before me--He is a very well respected leader in the community and a very fine gentleman. But, he prayed about the most depressing prayer that I think I have ever heard. He said, 'God, you know how unworthy I am to even stand up here before you. God, you know what a wretched sinner I am. I don't deserve your goodness--and God how could you even use anybody like me?' On and on--man by the time he got finished I felt like I needed to go repent. I felt like I was about that tall. I just wanted to hang my head in shame. So let me ask you, how can we expect God's blessings? How can we expect His goodness if we go around feeling wrong about ourselves? I wanted to ask him afterwards, 'Did you really mean what you prayed?' You said you were 'Weak. You were defeated. You were an old sinner. You were unworthy.' Listen, I'm not going to declare that kind of junk over my life!...Well, you say, 'Joel, we are just all old sinners saved by grace.' No, the truth is we were old sinners--but when we came to Christ we are not sinners anymore. We are sons and daughters of the Most High God...Sure, we may sin every once in awhile. You may make some mistakes--but that doesn't make you a sinner. You've got the very nature of God on the inside of you.
(Joel Osteen, "Receiving God's Mercy," Tape #262. Daystar Television, April 17, 2005)

So, Christians no longer sin once they are Christians? That is news to me, I think it's news to Paul also. What about Romans 7? So is Joel Osteen a better Christian than Paul?

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