Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Emergent Church

So, my friend from Austrailia took the theology quiz and scored as emergent postmodern. This was a week or two ago so I figured that I would eventually comment on this, though a little belatedly. Simply put, the emergent church wants first century Christianity without absolute truth. That isn't very helpful (sorry). So I will try to further eloborate on my position. The emergent church wants to hold that all positions are true, so someone who is in the emergent church would say that they are a protestant and a Roman Catholic. So, all of the contradictory positions in the theological world and emergentist would hold to. The emgergent church movement is also very experiential when it comes to worship - almost touchy-feely. Instead of relying upon revelation (the Bible) to learn about God they rely upon their feelings and experiences to learn about God.

I'm sure that there are other things for me to help better explain what emergent theology is but I need to read a paper on reduction for my naturalism class. So, I'll post more thoughts on emergentism later.

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