Thursday, August 05, 2004

A little bit of gluttony at the relatives

Well, last night I stayed with my Uncle & Aunt. That is always a relaxing visit b/c my Uncle is always laid back and no one knows how to relax and hang out like he does. He is a rancher and has about 50 head of cattle, also a retired mechanic from American Airlines and an advocate of the union. His wife is always baking and cooking food for me when I visit, so I always eat too much - way TOO much. It was an interesting day today at their house because I got in a political conversation with them, talking a little bit about political theory. My Aunt hates (HATES - I cannot emphasize this enough - she does not care who knows how much she hates Bush) W. She told me that he was ugly and not ugly looking. My Uncle explained that though Kerry is not much better sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils. I was able to explain a little bit about my libertarian/Aristotlean political theory, though we were just talking about the disaster in politics today how people mostly vote based on emotions and the looks of the person running for office. Back to the gluttony, for breakfast my Aunt scrambled 5 eggs, fried 3 hash brown cakes, and cooked 2 sausage patties - ALL FOR ME! Now I did not want to eat this much, so about 2 eggs and 1/2 hash brown cake were fed to the dogs, I would have preferred to eat a bowl of cereal but some people like to cook. Then for lunch my Aunt asked me if I'd like steak and of course I replied "yes." She fixed me two :)

Now I am at my cousins in MO and I ate two hamburgers for dinner - which were excellent and my cousin and I ate so much we had to go for a walk after dinner. Well, after the walk I thought woo-hoo now it's time for ice cream and brownies. All I can say now is "whoa" my stomach hurts! When will I ever learn, sin does not pay, including the sin of gluttony - but I must admit I did enjoy eating all the food.

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