Monday, August 15, 2005

Speaking of God

I think one of the key questions for Christians today is whether Christians and Muslims refer to the same God. Both Muslims and Christians would agree that they worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. However the problem is that the Christian God is a Triune God and the Muslim God is not Triune - in fact Muslims strongly explain how God is not a Trinity.

Since Christians would claim that God is necessarily a Triune God I will use this fact to explain how Christians worship a different God than the Muslims.

One thing I have yet to resolve is natural law or General revelation. I'm not sure what to do with this subject yet.


Anonymous said...

Just checking to see if I can comment...

Anonymous said...

I've been told that the Triune God and Allah are different mainly because of the Trinity thing and also the characteristics of Allah that conflict with the character of our Triune God. That's why they're not the same. What do you call the people who believe we all worship the same God? Universalists? Isn't CS Lewis one?
