Wednesday, January 19, 2005

First day of a new semester...

Today is over and it's now tomorrow, or is it tomorrow is now today??? Anyway, I have finished my first day of school. I think that I should profit a great deal from this semester and learn a lot from all of my classes. I am excited about that - my prayer is that everything I learn will bring greater glory to God.

I did not go to the class that I am auditing (Ancient and Medieval Religious Philosophy) today... it took me too long to find the classroom.

In my epistemology class we talked about 'Knowledge = Justified True Belief' and infinite regresses with respect to knowing that p.

In the Aristotle class we were given a brief overview of Aristotle and a the 'comic book' version of Plato's philosophy so that we could understand the influence of Plato on Aristotle.

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