Thursday, January 19, 2006

I went to church and a rap concert broke out...

Has anyone heard the joke that goes along the following lines: I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out. What makes this joke funny is that there is so much fighting in a hockey game that the two are considered inseperable. Fighting is a part of hockey and vice versa.

Well, the other night when my wife and I were flipping through channels we watched several minutes of a church service. In this service the pastor/preacher was exhorting his congregation to clap, yell, and stand up among other things. Most rappers/rap groups have something called a 'hype man'. The paradigmatic example of a hype man is Flavor Flav. Flavor Flav's whole purpose was/is to get the crowd excited and cranked up. Joe C. was the hype man for Kid Rock. The hype man generally has no talent of his own other than to get the crowd's energy level to increase. This pastor/preacher my wife and I saw on T.V. seemed to have the sole purpose of increasing the crowd's energy. I really don't know how God is glorified when people that attend church to worship God get hyped up by the pastor. However, this pastor seemed to believe that he was getting these people in the pews to worship God. The most disturbing thing about the previous night is that this pastor is not alone in being a hype man for God. Many pastors are hype men for God. Church has become entertainment where people go to get emotionally hyped, then go home to continue with their lives as before.

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