Sunday, January 08, 2006


You know life is a funny thing. If you stop to reflect upon what has happened, you begin to live in the past. If you think about the future you neglect the present. And, if you just live for the present, well, you mess up your future and eventually ruin your present. It seems the best way to live life is to emphasize all three aspects of one's life not neglecting any one over the others. However, even if one does this it still seems that life just slips away, this is where Christians seem to have hope. This is not all that we will experience, we will have eternal life. Yet, sometimes this eternal life seems so far away, so difficult to grasp, almost like a willow wisp. All too often Christians that I observe get caught up in the present life, what must I do to be happy, what are the seven keys to happiness? That type of concern. However, we cannot be so caught up in the future eternal life that we neglect this life either. It seems that the Christian life is a life of balance. So, we must realize that we ought to be willing to forsake all in this life for the sake of the future life, yet not neglect this life entirely due to our forward thinking about the future life. Both are important and ought to be considered when one makes a decision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, did you get married? How was it? Honeymooned? Got a bling bling ring yourself? I saw my stud. Just got back from Peru. He gave me a ring....although not bling bling. It's made of wood or really, a nutshell. There is a Indian tribe in Peruvian jungle that make their bows and arrows out of this tough, strong, bendable nutshell wood. He carved it for me. So sweet! The bling bling ring will come when he comes home this fall. Anyway, congrats to you and your wife! Best wishes and all the happiness in the world! God bless you both!