Sunday, April 18, 2004

blow to the ego

Everytime I think that I am becoming a "great" or a "rigorous" philosopher I read an article or an essay in which I have difficulty understanding some of it. Tonight it was Hilary Putnam's essay on "William James's Theory of Truth." There were several parts in the essay in which I wondered what Putnam was trying to say in his essay. That'll teach me to get a big head :)

It seems as if I never get as much done as I want to, though I wrote 5 pages for my paper, I didn't begin any writing for my book review. Seeing that it's 1:14AM and I am getting tired I will probably just try to go to sleep and have a productive day tomorrow. Productive days are important and I have plenty of time in the day to do my work if I am productive, but "IF" is a big word for me... and I usually answer it negatively...

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