Monday, April 12, 2004

How long?

Well, here is a survey question I have for all my readers: I do not currently own a tv and when I start school at the University of Oklahoma I do not plan on purchasing one. How long can I go w/o a television? So far I have had guesses of two weeks and four weeks. I think I can go for the whole year w/o a tv, but I am not sure. Part of the reason for not wanting a tv is so that I will read more and not procrastinate as much... I would like to study somewhere between 8-10 hours a day. I figure if God has put me in this position then I need to do my best to honor God w/ the abilities that He has given to me.

I found out that my philosophy of religion seminar topic is probably going to be changed. Dr. Zagzebski emailed me and asked me if I would mind switching from religious epistemology to religious ethics. The reason being that her new book, Divine Motivation Theory, is coming out on July 31. This will be cool b/c this book may very well be widely discussed by ethicists and philosophers of religion. So, I am very excited b/c I will be able to be in on the cutting edge of something that might possibly have wide ramifications and be influential. WOO-HOO!!!

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