Monday, September 06, 2004

Aristotle Seminar

For the Spring 05 I have been considering what courses I will take. So far, for certian, I will take an epistemology survey course and an Aristotle survey course. Hopefully I will be able to take a phil. of language seminar class.

I will be able to (if the prof allows me) to write my paper on Aristotelian Libertarianism. Which is something that I think about from time to time. Is this a contradiction? An Aristotelian believes that government (politics as Aristotle would say) is that which makes excellent citizens. In order to have an excellent citizen one must first be virtuous. For one to be virtuous one must practice the virtues. So the government is then in the business of legislating what is virtuous, or to put it in contemporary language, the govt is legislating morality.
The contradiction is that a libertarian believes in a "night-watchman state." A state that does notthing except enforce contracts, protect its citizens from outside force, and protects its citzens from each other (protect individual rights). So, it encourages commerce, has an army, along with providing a police presence. A libertarian does not believe that there should be any form, sort, or fashion of legislating morality. (Though one can make a libertarian argument against abortion if one concedes that life begins at conception, because then, by definition, abortion is murder and murder infringes upon one's personal rights.)

To me, Aristotelian and Libertarianism are the two most attractive options for government... I just don't know how to reconcile the two......

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