Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Everyone should be proud of me!!!

Look at the time of this post - no I didn't alter it, this is how early I got up today... well not really, this is how late I stayed up working on a paper. Why did I stay up so late working on a paper? Well, I'm glad you asked that question, because it's a good question. I'm leaving to go to San Antonio today, after I little bit of sleep, for the the Evangelical Theological/Evangelical Philosophical Society meeting. Lots of people go there to present papers. This year a big thing will be a discussion between N.T. Wright and John Dominic Crossan (one of the founders of the [JOKE] Jesus Seminar). Some of the big philosophers will be William Lane Craig, J.P. Moreland, and the more technical, less pop philosophers will include Robert Koons and Michael Rea. (Not that anybody ever goes to the links that I put on my blog, but just in case anybody wants to go, I put the links there.)

So what is going to be the greatest thing about going to San Antonio - besides seeing all of my old seminary friends - THE BOOKS!! See, I absolutely lust after books, it's my biggest weakness, if someone told me that they would buy me a book if I didn't eat one day, I would do it, without thinking about it. At the ETS/EPS they will have books for 50%, a book whore's dream. I can't wait to look at the book display, of course, first, I need to get some sleep, only after I finish my paper...

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