Saturday, October 22, 2005


One of the things my old roommate used to give me a hard time about was being so hard on myself. He once told me that I beat myself up too much and need to stop it. One thing that is difficult for me to comprehend is grace, not just any ol' grace but the Grace of God. It is difficult to realize that you ARE forgiven. God is big enough, and powerful enough to offer forgiveness to His children. Instead of worrying about the past or the future, I need to remember that regardless of what happens, God will continue to dispense His grace upon me. I get easily stressed out and most of that stress is the result of past mistakes and concerns that I will make the same mistakes in the future. Tonight I have a peace that God's Grace is the important thing right now. If I fail school (which I won't) if I let myself down, God's Grace will still be given to me - it's alright. As a movie once claimed - God understands.

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