Friday, October 14, 2005

One thing about people...

That I can't stand is unreasonable people. This is something that has bugged me more than anything else my entire life. There were always certain people that rubbed me the wrong way and I never knew what it was about them that drove me nuts. Now I know - I want absolutely, nothing to do with people that are unreasonable, can't compromise, and don't listen. I understand that some people hold to a specific worldview and believe that their worldview is correct. I'm not asking them to compromise on their worldview, I'm just asking them to concede that there more be some more gray areas than they previously conceded.

For the most part in the philosophy program at OU I hang out with the other Christian philosophers with two exceptions. My first year in the program one of the people that I spent the most time with was an atheist - not an outspoken atheist but an atheist nonetheless. My other friend in the OU department that isn't a Christian is a very vocal atheist. He definitely isn't afraid to voice his opinion about his atheism to other people. The sad thing is that I get along better with these two atheists than I do with some other Christians that I know of. To me this is a very sad thing. Christians ought to have the grace of the Holy Spirit operating in their lives.

I think that it is a very hard-headed person that I can't get along with or who doesn't enjoy talking with me. I'm easy going and well-read, there are a variety of subjects that I can discuss, which include: pro-wrestling, literature, philosophy, theology, all sports, pop culture, etc. Perhaps this shows that I don't focus on grad school as much as I ought to. This is probably an astute observation on my part. However, if you ever meet anyone who can't get along with me and I find unreasonable, when you encounter this person RUN AWAY and don't look back.

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