Saturday, December 04, 2004

Another one of those mornings

Well, just to post my thoughts before I shower and go to bed. Still thinking about what I am going to argue in my paper - this is not good since my paper is due on Monday. I am at the point now where I feel really depressed and this is probably more the result of my being tired than anything else. Right now I feel like I will moan for a long time when I lay down in bed - this however is good, because I usually dread going to bed because I cannot sleep. Ever since my dad died my sleep pattern has been really jacked up, and this jacked up sleep pattern was not helped by my brother's death this summer.

I don't have much theological wit or wisdom to spout forth, I did read a lecture tonight (perhaps it is last night since this is the morning) by N.T. Wright. I'll post it on my blog tomorrow, it was very encouraging and it was given for Christians in a postmodern culture. One of the things I appreciate about scholars like Wright is that they get the big picture of the whole Bible. The Bible is a unified book, not just a series of separate books; sometimes I even think that the worst thing that was done to the Bible was putting the chapter numbers and verse numbers in it. This makes people think that they need to understand every verse as in individual apart from the whole. Oh well, not much I can do about that now. Happy Bible reading everyone.

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