Thursday, December 09, 2004

How sad is this?

Tonight, before going to bed, actually about 15 minutes ago, I watched the preview for Revenge of the Sith. It almost brought tears to my eyes, literally, yes, I AM SERIOUS! It had the part from Episode IV: A New Hope, where Obi-Wan is explaining to Luke that Darth Vader was Jedi who was seduced by the dark side. Obi-Wan also told Luke that Vader was Obi-Wan's pupil. I mean, this is sheer greatness. Thinking about it makes me want to weep... well maybe not weep, but it sure does get my misty-eyed. I think I'll watch it one more time before I go to bed. One of my best friends and I are going to get together one day over Christmas break and watch Episodes I, II, IV, V, and VI - all on one day. We decided that it was the right thing to do to watch over 10 hours of Star Wars in one day. His wife allows this too. Well, I'll return to my difficult to read philosophical/theological treatises tomorrow.

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