Friday, December 10, 2004

Antony Flew & Intelligent Design

In philosophy of religion, many times when we read an atheistic perspective, Antony Flew is the token atheist. Now, he has converted to deism. Deism is the view that God is a watchmaker who wound up the watch and left it alone, to run all by itself. This is the view that Thomas Jefferson held. Deism denies that God is personal. Supposedly, one of the reasons that Flew admitted that God exists, is due to recent arguments in intelligent design. One of the leaders in this movement is William Dembski, who is now at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Dembski is attempting to determine probability in detecting design. If he could establish a proof, this would be devastating for atheists. Not that they would give up their beliefs, but they would have to admit that intelligent design is more plausible than evolution. I must admit that I am absolutely shocked to hear about Antony Flew, don't get me wrong, I know that he isn't a Christian nor is he going to heaven, but still, for one who has read his works, I am speechless.

Here is a link to the article about Flew.

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