Sunday, December 05, 2004

books, books, books, and more books...

I always know when I'm depressed. How do I know? I compulsively surf and look for good prices on books. Then I buy books, lots and lots of books. Well, maybe not that many, this week I bought six. What can I say, as I told one of my best friends who lives in IL and wants to do some missions in India, "I'm a book whore, I lust after books." I love to read, I'm weird.

Well, thanks for the advice Di, I will pray more about my sleep pattern. I've had a lot of times this semester when I wake up in a sweat, but I never remember having had a nightmare, except once, it gives me the chills thinking about it right now. Yeah, I probably haven't done the best job with spiritual warfare, about all I can say is that for the most part, I've continued my quiet time. But even that has been sub-par for me. I was on a reading plan where you read the NT through in a month... it took me more like 3 months. Now, I've just about finished reading Genesis. One of the signs that I'm beginning to recover from my slump is that I'm regaining my thirst for the Word and constantly thinking about what I've read.

Well, I'd better get back to my paper, it's due on Monday. In the meantime, I'll fantasize about reading all of the books that I've ordered, and about how many more thoughts I'll be able to think. WOO-HOO!!!

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