Saturday, December 11, 2004

Problem with Hick's Pluralism: Ad Hick

The Sundays are playing right now on launchcase - Wild Horses, pure greatness. Their genre is modern rock/adult alternative. Am I that old that I like adult alternative? That's ok, b/c I still like Rancid and P.O.D. along with some Tool, NIN, and Ministry. Now, I feel better, maybe I'm not so old after all.... Now The Cure is playing... I'm telling everyone, launchcast is pure greatness...

Hick's pluralism... Hick makes two metaphysical claims that hold true for all religions

(1) All of the great world religions worship a manifestation of the Real
(2) The Ultimate Real is a transcendent ultimate reality that is beyond all human concepts.

So, if we take these two premises, we can only experience manifestations of the Real but not the Real itself. When we apply human concepts to the Real, the concepts are of the manifestations, not the Real itself. So, when we describe a manifestation of the Real as a Triune God, this is true, because we are applying a human concept to the manifestation, not the Real itself.

Here's a huge caveat: Hick denies an orthodox Christology, so Christ is not divine. Hence the Trinity is not Triune, but a Duality. So, when Christians claim to experience the risen Christ or experience a Triune God they are false. When Christians claim to experience the risen Christ, they are really experiencing the God that Christ taught about.

So, Hick's pluralism is a true pluralism, but many people are mistaken. To get to the truth these people have to rely upon Hick's interpretation to understand what they are really experiencing. I think that in many ways, pluralism is often intellectual imperalism, especially Hick's pluralism.

Here is the traditional notion of pluralism, which is really relativism.

(3) Everybody is right, and nobody is wrong. (Pluralist claim)
(4) No, I'm right and the pluralist is wrong. (Exclusivist claim)
(5) The pluralist is right and wrong. (Incoherent position)
(6) It is false that something can be A and not A, therefore pluralism is false.

Pluralistic arguments have resurfaced as pragmatic arguments where if something works then it is true. This is very dangerous for Christianity, because as Christians, we ought to be concerned with truth, for truth's sake.

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